Thuraya Prepaid SIMs for Thuraya phones

The Thuraya Pre Paid SIM Card for all Thuraya Phones

This Thuraya SIM Card fits all Thuraya Satellite Phones (XT, XT light, XT PRO, SatSleeve, SatSleeve+, Hotspot, X5). The SIM Card is a MINI/MICRO/NANO SIM and therefore fits all Thuraya Satellite Phones. The Pre Paid SIM card is available as Thuraya NOVA SIM and as Thuraya Standard SIM. The NOVA SIM card is cheaper in NOVA Countries for outgoing calls from a NOVA Country to NOVA Countries. Calls from non-NOVA countries, on the other hand, are more expensive than with the standard SIM Card. The standard SIM Card has a per minute rate regardless of where you are calling from, this is especially interesting for seafarers as outside a 5-10 mile zone around coasts the Satellite Phone logs into the International Water zone and this is considered a non NOVA zone, making calls via NOVA SIM Cards more expensive than those from standard SIM cards.

Each new Thuraya Pre Paid SIM Card comes with 10 units included. The Thuraya Pre Paid SIM Card can be purchased in a package with units for voice, SMS and data (GmPRS).

Thuraya Pre Paid SIM
Tax included

Last time this product was added to a cart: 01/12/2021

Thuraya Prepaid SIM Cards for all Thuraya Phones

  • Thuraya NOVA Prepaid SIM
  • Thuraya Standard Prepaid SIM
  • Thuraya NOVA Prepaid SIM pack.
  • Thuraya Standard SIM pack.

Thuraya prepaid SIM cards differentiated NOVA and Standard SIM

The NOVA SIM card offers cheaper rates for all outgoing calls from all NOVA Countries.

The Standard SIM card has a tariff for outgoing calls for all countries where the Thuraya network is available.

If you use the NOVA SIM card for outgoing calls in non-NOVA countries, you will be charged more Units per Minute than with the Standard SIM.

For maritime use the Standard SIM card is recommended, because on the open sea (approx 5-10 nautical miles outside of coastal areas) the consumption of Units Per Minute is cheaper with the Standard SIM card.

Both SIM cards can be used for data connection GmPRS with up to 60/15kbit/s available in the Phone (SatSleeve+, XT Pro, X5).

 Burnrate for one minute NOVA SIM
from NOVA Countries
from non NOVA Countries
Standard Sim Standard
Sim Pack 100
Outgoing Calls
0.85 Units 1.25 Units 1.19 Units 1.19 Units

Outgoing Calls to Thuraya Band 1 Countries

0.90 Units 1.85 Units 1.49 Units 1.49 Units
Outgoing Calls
to Thuraya Band 2 Ländern
5.09 Units 6.02 Units 4.99 Units 4.99 Units
Outgoing Calls to all remaining Countries and Satellite Networks 8.10 Units 9.65Units 8.00 Units 8.00 Units
SMS per message
SMS to Email
0.35 Units 0.35 Units 0.49 Units 0.49 Units
GmPRS pro MB 3.50 Units 3.50 Units 3.50 Units 2.85 Units
Voice Mail Box 0.85 Units 1.25 Units 1.19 Units 1.19 Units
Credit Check 151 free free free free
Thuraya Test Call 11112 free free free free
Thuraya Call me back Service
SMS to anumber that calls back 1755
free free free free
Emergency Call if available 999. 911. 112 free free free free
Sim Card Swap
New SIM card to Credit 
Eur. 50 Eur. 50 Eur. 50 Eur. 50
Sprachtaktung min 60sek und jede weiteren 60sek
SMS 160 Zeichen
GmPRS min. 100kb und jede weiteren 100kb

Annual Service Fee

An annual Service Fee of 39 Units is deducted from the cradit balance (always with the cut-off data of the card activation). If an activated SIM card is not used within one year it expires, if the first call has taken place that SIM card will be deactivated after 365 days an can be reactivated.

Thuraya Prepaid Credit Validity

As long as there are enough Units to cover the annual Service Fee, the credit is valid.

List of NOVA Countries:


Specific References