Thuraya dataterminals

Surf on land or at sea at the best price with Thuraya's data terminals.

Thuraya's data terminals are a reliable, high-quality and cost-effective way to surf as usual and without interruptions, with a reception and transmission speed of up to 444kbps.

Thuraya Data Terminals

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Thuraya IP Orion...

Boundless surfing even at sea with the Thuraya IP Orion for weather data, news, SOS and tracking Easy installation, seaworthy and affordable data rates Within Thuraya's network coverage from the west coast of Europe to the Mediterranean, coasts of Africa, south of Africa, marine areas from Africa...
Price €7,290.00

Thuraya IP Voyager...

Boundless surfing on Land with the Thuraya IP Voyager Data Terminal Fast, robust and cost-effective data rates Within the network coverage of Thuraya from the west coast of Europe from the north to Africa without the south of Africa over the Middle East to Australia and partly Oceania, the...
Price €7,190.00

Thuraya IP+ Dataterminal

Mobility without compromising on connectivity with the Thuraya IP+ Dataterminal Simple, lightweight and portable As the most compact and lightweight satellite broadband terminal in its class, Thuraya IP+ delivers the fastest IP speeds for a terminal of its size. The Thuraya IP+ data terminal is...
Price €4,440.00

Thuraya WE Dual Internet...

Satellite & LTE Hotspot Staying connected is a priority. It’s at the heart of your social identity and self-expression. It’s how you reach out to your family and closest friends, to share with them your experiences and news. We at Thuraya understand this fundamental need, and that’s why we...
Price €2,190.00